Saturday, December 21, 2019

Age Of Jackson Essay - 962 Words

The Age of Jackson, written by Arthur M. Schlesinger, focuses on the long lasting effects of Andrew Jackson on democracy and American politics. The novel starts off with Jackson’s life story, a lowerclass boy from the west, raised by a single mother. After finding financial success on his own, he became well known for his military exploits, being a crucial factor in the Battle of New Orleans, and the acquisition of Florida from the Spanish. After the brief account of Jackson’s life, the author moves on to his administration, and stays with that topic for most of the book. By the time Jackson came to power, the nation had been drastically changed by the Industrial Revolution. The simple, pastoral, agricultural lifestyle was being replaced†¦show more content†¦Jackson, uneducated as he was, was a very shrewd man. Using the spoils system, he all but totally replaced the cabinet from the previous administration. By rewarding the men who had helped him reach his current state, he made it clear that the middleclass could improve their condition. The cabinet was no longer filled with wealthy men of status, but instead of more every day people. Nicholas Biddle proved great opposition to President Jackson. He wanted to re-charter the National Bank; however, many people were against Biddle’s decision. This was particularly true of people in the west. They were still wary of a national bank, after the Panic of 1819, which involved mishaps in land speculation. Jackson shared the predominately western opinion that several small banks would be a better service to the nation than one, large bank would. A major problem with a national bank would lie in it’s willingness only to make loans to the wealthy. This would be of no use to the middleclass. Jackson would not allow Biddle to gain any more power than he already had. Jackson did not have the characteristics of a great president. First of all, he was notorious for being to rash and impetuous. As a military leader, he often disobeyed direct orders (Florida campaign), and acted on instinct rather than reason. He also had many enemies among colleagues, including John Calhoun, John Quincy Adams,Show MoreRelatedThe Age Of Jackson By Andrew Jackson Essay1267 Words   |  6 Pages â€Å"The Age of Jackson† was a time when the high society aristocrats were threatened by the commoner. Jackson was a common man himself; orphaned as a boy, Jackson, rose to the top and became an admired general and commander in chief. Jackson affected the outlook on the class system, the method of electing our president, the spread of the spoils system, the fighting between the north and the south, the interactions between America and the Indians, and he helped lead our country to inflation. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

As I Lay Dying Free Essays

In Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying, he used animals to symbolize characters. The Bundren children are obsessed with animals throughout the novel. Vardaman is convinced that his mother is a fish, Darl declares that Jewel’s mother is a horse, and Dewey Dell relates to the farm cow as another woman. We will write a custom essay sample on As I Lay Dying or any similar topic only for you Order Now After each character learns of their mother’s death they each relate an animal to situations apparent to their own lives. Varadaman sees Addie as a fish because of the way that she has been transformed from alive to dead. Vardaman catches a fish on the day his mother dies and cuts it up and brings it inside to be cooked. The blood of the fish is all over his clothes and on the same day Addie dies. Vardaman connects a fish with his mother and believes her to be a fish. â€Å"Vardaman comes back and picks up the fish. It slides out of his hands, smearing wet dirt onto him, and flops down, dirtying itself again, gapmouthed, goggle-eyed, hiding into the dust like it was ashamed of being dead, like it was in a hurry to get back hid again,† (Faulkner, 31). In this section Vardaman relates his mom to being a fish. Vardaman uses the death of the fish to symbolize the death of his mother. Vardaman comes around the house, bloody as a hog to his knees, and that ere fish chopped up with the axe like it or not,† (Faulkner, 38). Vardaman later grasps the concept of death and how it relates back to his own being. Although he seems to be young ,Vardaman begins to attribute his now dead mother to a now dead fish. â€Å"I can feel where the fish was in the dust. It is cut up into pieces of not-fish now, not-blood on my hands and overalls,† (Faulkner, 53. ) The fish symbol is illustrated throughout the novel as being Vardaman’s mother. â€Å"My mother is a fish,† (Faulkner, 84). Next, Faulkner uses the Bundren cow to symbolize Addie’s death, the bond between Dewel Dell and Vardaman. Dewey Dell is the character that relates most with the family cow. The cow just like Dewey Dell has something inside of them. The cow lows at the foot of the bluff. She nuzzles at me, snuffing, blowing her breath in a sweet, hot blast, through my dress, against my nakedness, moaning. ‘You got to wait a little while. Then I’ll tend to you,’† (Faulkner, 61). The milk inside the cows body is related to the baby growing inside of Dewey Dell. The milk is symbolic of the thing inside her body. â€Å"The cow nuzzles at me moaning. ‘You’ll just have to wait. What you got in you aint nothing to what I got in me, even if you are a woman too,’† (Faulkner, 63). Even though Dewey Dell is pregnant now she finds that she has to be the maternal figure in the house. â€Å"’You go on to the house and get your supper. ’ He draws back. I hold him. ‘You quit now. You leave me be,’† (Faulkner, 62). Jewel is unable to express emotion towards his mother, however he has no problem portraying it towards his horse, even though his ways may seem violent. Jewel with dug heels, shutting off the horse’s wind with one hand, with the other patting the horse’s neck in short strokes myriad and caressing, cursing the horse with obscene ferocity,† (Faulkner, 12). Based on Darl’s word, the horse is a symbol of Jewel’s love for his mother. For Jewel, however, th e horse, based on his riding of it, apparently symbolizes a hard-won freedom from the Bundren family. Jewel is extremely possessive and passionate about his horse. He had spent his nights cleaning up a field in order to buy it with his own money. Anse takes the horse and trades it for a team of mules to bring the caravan to Jefferson. How to cite As I Lay Dying, Papers